Graphite electrodes

In many cases, the injection mold production process requires EDM treatment with the use of copper or graphite electrodes. Copper is a material that is known and widely used. However, more and more often it is displaced by isostatically pressed graphite due to its advantages. The use of graphite electrodes allows to significantly reduce the cost of producing the tool due to the shorter processing time of graphite, a smaller number of electrodes necessary to create the mold and, consequently, a shorter drilling process. Graphite processing is easy, fast and pleasant, but only on specially adapted machines. We provide our electrode milling services on CHMER HE65GT and OPS Ingersoll 600 machines, which are characterized by high machining accuracy and spindle speed up to 30 thousand. revolutions / min. We use the EROWA and 3R fastening system. We work on the basis of 2D and 3D documentation.

Feeds in the axis X mm 500
Feeds in the axis Y mm 600
Head beam travel Z mm 300
Table dimensions mm 540 x 650
Spindle taper – HSK E40
Tool magazine for 16

OPS Ingersoll 600
Feeds in the axis x mm 600
Feeds in the axis y mm 300
Feeds in the axis z mm 300
Control: Andronic 2000
Table dimensions x: 600 mm
Table dimensions y: 500 mm
Tool magazine for: 12
Spindle clamping: HSK 32 E
The design and technology department at EDM Tools was created for tool shops that do not have their own construction facilities or need technical support.
The main subject of the company’s design are graphite electrodes used for plunge-cutting in molds for:
– processing of thermoplastics,
– die-casting of aluminum.

– in the case of electrode construction:
– solids with marked hollow areas,
– in the case of ready-made electrode models, information about:
– the adopted gap (offset),
– the smallest necessary radius,
– the fastening system used (EROWA, 3R, Hirschmann),
– surface finish (VDI).
Experience in the design and production of graphite electrodes has resulted in cooperation with several tool shops, injection plants and foundries. Trying to meet the high expectations of our customers, the company has the NX CAD / CAM software, which significantly speeds up the entire design and documentation process.